I was introduced to the Young Life ministry in my freshman year of college at GCU and immediately fell in love with it. From the first time I attended a Young Life College club, I knew I wanted to get involved in the ministry in any and every way. I began leader training and was placed as a WyldLife leader for one of the local middle schools. One of the things I love most about the ministry of Young Life is that we are constantly reminded as leaders to long for the furthest heart. My personal ministry and my relationship with the Lord have been shaped so greatly through leading Young Life. I am excited to continue to grow with Northern Weld County Young Life and the new team of leaders we are building.

Our mission is to introduce adolescents to Jesus Christ and help them grow in their faith

Our vision

I want Frontier WyldLife to be a space for middle schoolers to come and be kids. In today's culture, it seems that kids have to grow up much quicker than they were designed to, but I want students to experience the abundance of life that Jesus has to offer through friendship and connection with each other and with leaders. I want kids to enter into a space where they feel safe, known, and loved by adults who keep showing up and that through those relationships, they get to experience the love of Jesus Christ.

In providing a space for students to simply show up and just be themselves, our prayer is that kids are able to find a sense of:

  • Identity - adolescents are riddled with the question of "who am I?" and have so many different voices (their peers, social media, the news, etc.) trying to tell them who they are. We want to walk closely with kids so they get the chance to know they are made in the Image of God and they are made with intentionality.
  • Autonomy - as kids move through middle school and high school, they are faced with the hard question of "do I matter?" and we hope to bring the truth of the Gospel to these students; the truth that Jesus loves us so much that died on a cross so that we may be reunited with the Creator of the Universe.
  • Belonging - it seems that we all are asking the question "where do I fit?" but it is especially prevalent in adolescents as they are just beginning to navigate the world more independently from their parents. We want kids to see that the Kingdom of Heaven is for everyone and that there is no need to conform to a certain way in order to fit in.

My Goals:

  • To expand NoWeCo WyldLife from Frontier Academy to other local middle schools
  • To build a strong framework for NoWeCo WyldLife that outlasts me
  • To have a Parent Support team compiled of 3-5 families who are passionate about kids and Jesus and want help behind-the-scenes for WyldLife

Time Tested and Life-Changing

Contact Work   Kids don't care how much we know until they know how much we care! Young Life leaders show they care by going where kids are, meeting them as they are, and believing in who they can be. Within Young Life, we call the persistent going out into the world of kids "contact work." But kids just call it friendship.

Club   A "party with a purpose." WyldLife Club is controlled chaos and a space for kids to come and find a place to belong, to be safe, and to hear about the life-changing Gospel from a leader who has continually shown up in their lives.

Camp  The best week of their lives! A week filled with so much fun in the midst of hearing about the most extraordinary love story. Kids get to spend a week away from phones and distractions and are given the opportunity to focus on connecting with others, something that is lacking in today's culture as kids become more "plugged in" and yet are becoming more and more isolated.

Campaigners  Campaigners is a weekly gathering for the kids who want to know more about Jesus and grow in their faith. We're with kids for the long haul to help them take the first steps of faith with unconditional love and we want them to do that with leaders and peers who will continue to walk with them and help them grow in every aspect of their life.

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